IC1805 & IC1848 Heart and Soul nebula

Heart and Soul -

Captured: November 5. 2014.

Location: Ratković, Kragujevac, Serbia

Telescope: Pentax SDHF 75 mm on SW EQ-6 mount

Objective: Canon 70-200 mm f/4L @5.6 on SW EQ-5 mount

Camera 1: Canon DSLR 550D (astro modified) on objective for light frames

Camera 2: Canon DSLR 450D (Luis Campos modified) on Pentax for Ha frames

Frames: 20 x 600″ (light frames)

6 x 1800″ (Ha frames)

Software: Nebulosity, PixInsight, Photoshop


NGC1499 California nebula - part
M45 - Pleiades open cluster